Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Some thoughts about the budget..

This week I was asked where in the budget I will look for ways to save on cost.
Below is the Question and my answer to it.

In the face of an extra tight FY2011 budget year, where in the budget will you look for cost savings?

I would start looking for cost savings at the top at City Hall. The new Mayor and Board of Alderman are due a large raise at the first of the year. Instead of taking the whole amount I propose taking a 25% increase per year over 4 years that would save the tax payers $100,000 over the first 3 years. We must as the new Mayor and Board of Alderman set the example for the citizens of the city. I am sure there are other ways we can save that will come up as we sit and go over it line for line once we are in office.

Of course I am still looking over the budget. I am sure there are many other places where there is room for a little trimming.
I welcome your thoughts on this as well as sharing any ideas you may also wish to share.

Have a Great Day

Questions from Community

I welcome any and all Questions and will share the answers here.
So if you want to know more or have a concern and want my thoughts ASK me.

This is a Question sent to the Frederick News Post that I replied to recently

What is your position on the Neighborhood Advisory Councils (NACs)?

My answer was as follows

My position on the Neighborhood Advisory Councils is that every neighborhood should have one. We need to get more people in our neighborhoods involved in our NAC's. If we have more people working closely with each other, the Police Force, and Elected Officials we can start cutting crime in our neighborhoods. It takes Involvement, and I would love to see more involvement brought back to Frederick’s neighborhoods. When you get one another involved, watching out for, helping and caring about our neighbors how is that not a great thing for the safety and well being of our neighborhoods, families and our homes.

I was only given 100 words or less in my response to the FNP. I however want to add more than that here on my blog. I want to add that there used to be a time when Frederick Citizens knew and cared about their neighbors. They helped one another and watched out for each other’s homes and families. That type of neighborhood is no longer with us but I believe with the NAC in each neighborhood this could help bring that safety and caring back. Add to that the Police force assistance at the meetings and in our neighborhoods as well as the Elected Officials we can than change our Neighborhoods for the better we can have it again where we know one another and help one another. We can have the officers who patrol our area know who lives where and be friendly with the neighbors and this will in effect help them be better able to do their job of protecting us.
The only negative thing about having a Neighborhood Advisory Council is that we have so few neighbors willing to get involved in them on many occasions and I would hope to see that change.

As Always Please feel free to send me questions and feedback.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Candidate Questionnaire for Board of Alderman Election 2009
from the League of Woman Voters

John has lived, and been self employed in Frederick for the past 30 years. His businesses have included running his own butcher shop, insurance broker, and taxi cab driver. He spends over 30 hours a week volunteering with senior citizens, and the homeless of Frederick City.

Top 3 Aldermanic priorities
My first priority would be to balance the city budget. My second one would be to work harder to give the Police Department whatever they need to do their job. My third priority would be to add a new bus system into the city which is really needed.

Involvement in the community
I have fought to bring about much needed changes in the Taxi Cab Commission as well as attend their meetings. I attend and watch meetings of the Board of Alderman. I actively work with the Frederick Rescue Mission, and the Cold weather shelter.

Executive Power Question
I believe the Mayor should have the right to override the decisions because he is the number one elected official, and his duty is to oversee those appointed officials mentioned.

The Frederick City Police Department
The Department is not being funded adequately at this time. If we cut the wasteful spending in our City budget we could allocate that money to the Police Department to use to better protect the citizens of this city.

I believe that we should have no more growth until we can provide the necessary services our citizens need. At this time the city is lacking in those services, and the inner structure is in need of an overhaul. If we cannot support the citizens we have now how can we possibly support growth.

I would like to offer a tax incentive to business owners who would like to buy property, and open businesses in our city.

I believe that we should only use annexation if, and when we can provide the necessary services that our citizens need, and our inner structure can support.

Please feel free to send me any feedback and thoughts.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

How i see it

As I am out in the cab in this blessed city that I love I see God at work more and more of its people are reaching out a helping hand to our brothers and sisters who are down but not yet out by any means. We have a lot of work to do to help those in our city who need a helping hand. I want to be the Alderman who once in office helps those people by helping to get the budget of Frederick in order and allow more programs more funding to help the citizens of Frederick to be all they can be.

I need your support to do that.
When I say support I mean in the way of prayers and spreading the word and of course your vote. I have decided to run this campaign on my own budget out of my own pocket. Those who wish to donate I would rather that money go to a worthy cause in this city like the Rescue Mission who helps many in this city each day. I will manage my campaign on my own. While I do not have a lot of income what I do have I will budget to include this campaign.
Why you ask because I believe in this city. I also believe that I can do good things for this city. I feel what we need in the office of Alderman is someone who can budget, and someone who really cares about the citizens of this city. We need someone who knows the difference between NEEDS and wants. We need someone who knows how to get things done on the income they have, and not the income they wish they had. We all know and have seen from past years that when we set the budget by the wish we hads we will Always end up in debt just as we are now. When we are in debt our city suffers programs get cut streets are left in need of repair and well frankly I am tired of our city being in debt and having to gut corners to make ends meet because past Alderman wanted to live on wish they had money instead of the actual income we have.

If I can manage my own budget I can with the help of my fellow Alderman help get the budget in Frederick back in order. I believe myself and 4 other new Aldermen can make a huge difference in this city. So I ask again that you support me with your Vote

Come on lets show our Love for this City by giving me your vote

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Our City Is Blessed

What do I see in FREDERICK? I see a shining city on a hill with a large group of people ready to fight for her to keep her light shining bright. People of Frederick it’s now time to stand up, and be counted.

I NEED YOUR SURPORT. I need to know I am not alone in my love for this city. I KNOW her greatest days are yet to come. If we all roll up our sleeves, and all work together we can again see small businesses all the way up Market Street to 7th Street like they once were. We can work together to make The Golden Mile become golden again.
Of all the cities in the state of Maryland we are the most blessed. I want to work for you, and the city that I love as Aldermen over the next four years. I need your support now, and all the way through November. If you help send me to CITY HALL I will never stop fighting for this shining city on the hill or you its people.

Please email me at jwshupe01@comcast.net or write me at J.W. Shupe, PO Box 1748, Frederick, MD, 21702.
There are so many needs that are important to all of the people of this city. Please take a few minutes to share those needs that are important to you, and your families with me. I want to be the Alderman that works for you the People of this City. So your thoughts and needs are important to me.

Mind you I may not be able to do it all, but I will promise to do as much as I can to change this city for the better In the 4 years I am there.

A letter to the Real People of Frederick

Am I getting old and confused or is there something wrong. The other day I read in the Frederick News post that our area has the 2nd worse traffic jams in the United States. The thing I do not fully understand is that we have a train that goes to the Washington Metropolitan area 3 times in the morning and returns 3 times in the evening. If in fact people are frustrated with their long drive to get to work In the Washington DC area why then are more people not taking that train?
I understand your frustration. It could be years before we get the proper highway funding to straighten out the traffic problems on route 270. All the Candidates running for office in the City of Frederick are talking about this. I am the only candidate that sees the real traffic problems are really here in our own city. I can understand an hour and a half to get to Rockville, but why does it take an hour and a half to 2 hours to get from the north end of Frederick to the FSK Mall on the city bus?
For many of you who have never ridden the transit system in the City of Frederick I assure you that it is worse than your commute to Rockville. We really need to place an emphasis on getting a first class transit system in our city. Many are trying to locate jobs but they cannot get too many of them because of the fact the transit system in Frederick does not run on Sunday or Holidays and does not run early or late enough on the weekdays. You can not apply for a job and say I cannot work this or that day or hour because of no bus. If you do you will not get a job. This is why one of my priorities in running for Alderman of the City of Frederick is to get either a reworked transit system or bring in a whole new transit system that will run 7 days a week, 16 hours a day, and 365 days a year. Our people in the city of Frederick deserve nothing less than the best. If I am elected I am going to give it to them.

I do not Like what is happening to this city.

Our Leaders are going in 5 different directions. The only thing they can actually agree on is giving themselves 93% rate increase in salary for 2010 Board of Alderman. They ask everyone else to take cuts in pay it should be ok for them as well.
This is the same belief that large companies who received bail out money had, which is the belief of, get ours and to devil with the other people.
Please let’s get 5 new Aldermen who want to work for the people of our city who will check their egos at the front door of City Hall.
I speak to 20 to 30 people a day that wants real change in City Hall. I grew up in a time when a leader led by example. What kind of example has our current 5 Alderman set for Our Frederick? I want to serve the people of this city. I do not need a 93% pay increase in 2010 to do that job. The old rate works just fine for me. Let’s put that money back in to the budget that serves the people of Our City.
The only things we have of value in life are other human beings. Too many people are running around City Hall talking about historic preservation and how beautiful the older buildings are in Frederick. My idea of historic preservation is taking care of the older residents that built this city. I would like to see the HPC completely overhauled by our new Board of Aldermen. I would like it to become user friendly to the residents, and all business owners of our city, the games have got to stop.

Who is John W Shupe

I am a Christian man who has a deep love for the City Of Frederick.
Mind you I am not a college graduate. I am not a polished politician. I do not speak eloquently.
Instead I am a man who cares deeply about this city. I am a man who wants to see Frederick grow. I want this City to grow and become a city that families want to raise their kids in. A city that the residents and business owners can be proud of. A city that takes care of those who live and do business in it.
I also am the man who will be there to work for the People. Yes, I know so many say that and than do a total turn around when they get into office. Many forget all about what the people asked for or believed or wanted. That will not be me. I plan to make a difference and what I say I will mean and do my best to see it through.