Saturday, August 15, 2009

We Need to take our City Back from the County

Today the city is 65 cents per 100 dollars of assessed Value. The county plus fire tax is 1.06 per 100 dollars of assessed value. The total of which is 1.71 per 100 dollars of assessed value. So if you own a home in Frederick city that has a value of 400,000.00 you end up paying 6,840.00 taxes.

The problem is not the city taxes it is the County taxes. The Mayor and Board of Aldermen are allowing the County Commissioners to hold the people of our city hostage by over taxing us.

I am told that 53% of the County budget goes for schools . If this is true why do we have children in our city in trailers while the School Board spends 18 million dollars to build not a school but a office building for themselves. I believe our Kids should come first. We should be building schools and adding on to schools. After the kids are taken care of we can than work on building them an office which anything that may be left.

It is clear that the School Board is not financially capable of handling the tax payer’s money.
We need a new Mayor and a new Board of Alderman to hold them accountable for their spending and to help make sure that the Children always are first and foremost.
We need to cut the taxes that city residents pay to the county by 25%.

I know once in office I can also find a few things that can be cut in the city budget that will not affect the actual safety of our city.