Saturday, September 19, 2009

Thank You for Your Support

I want to send out a huge a thank you to those who believed in and supported me during my run for Alderman. The election showed me a few things. One of those things is that we do have at least some people in this city who want change. Sadly It also showed me that we sadly do not have enough people who believe that we need change.

Hopefully we will see change come in the future.

Please I ask only one more thing of you for this election. Please spend a bit of time researching and learning a bit about those who are running and make a well informed choice.

God Bless all of you.
John W Shupe

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Be Aware when you vote

Please watch the meeting at City Hall on channel 99 of The Mayor and Board of Alderman regarding annexation that was held on Sept. 3rd 2009.
I asked the outgoing Mayor and one outgoing Alderman (Marcia Hall) and the 4 Alderman candidates who may or may not make it through the primary on Sept 15th to please not vote on the 3 annexations that night. I asked them to please table the vote until Oct.
I feel they should have not obligated a new Mayor and Board of Alderman to their dreams and choices. If this is so important to the city why was it not done a year ago?
I also have issues with the fact that two of our current Alderman were dozing during the meeting. Both of these people are in fact running to stay in office yet they seem to find the choices made about our City to be boring or possibly not important enough for them to stay awake and pay attention. I can assure you that I do care enough and I will not be sleeping on the job if I get your Vote.

Another thing I found to be questionable that evening was the fact that while many of those running for Mayor and Alderman did in fact attend the meeting which I applaud them for doing since it well is possibly going to affect them down the road. I however cannot understand why they did not give any input into the choices made or the discussion at all. They gave no feedback or public comments regarding anything that night. Why not? This will after all affect them if they win the election. Is it that they cannot think that far ahead? Is it that they have not bothered to even read up on what is happening? Possibly it was that they had not prepared a written comment?
In reality the only two people that got up and spoke were John Daniels and I. Amazing we are also 2 of the 3 who got our Campaign reports right. That should tell you something right there. We pay attention and we care and we are informed.
We care about what may or may not come down the road and effect our City please keep that in mind on the 15th.
Please when you go to Vote on Sept 15th please look at all the games that are already being played in city hall now and all the future game players running for office again.
Please be sure to give a Lot of thought before you vote and make sure that the candidates you vote for really care about the residents and business owners of this City. Let’s take politics out of City Hall and put real caring truthful people in these offices.
As usual please include me in your prayers and come out on the 15th and give me your vote.
I promise I will not let you down.

As always feel free to comment or email me with any feedback concerns or questions.

John W Shupe
Candidate for Alderman of Frederick City

Where I stand on a few things

These Questions were asked by the Neighborhood Advisory Council. Below are my answers to those questions. Any comments are welcome Any questions about my replies are also welcome

Question 1

What do you propose to do to keep businesses in Frederick, not only in Downtown Frederick but also along the Golden Mile and East Street Corridors? What is your vision for Frederick revitalization for the next four years?
I would look into more tax incentives and breaks to help bring businesses into our city. We need that special “something” to make them want to do business here in our city. I would like to see to it that we done the research and found what that “something” is.
We do actually have several tax incentives and crediting programs available here in Frederick City. However when speaking to a few local Business owners this past couple weeks I discovered that many had No idea any of these programs were even in existence. I also discovered a lot more to that effect in regards to services being offered in Frederick that most residents do not even know are out there. We have some programs but we need more of them and we need more awareness that they are available.
My Vision would be to make the neighborhood feel Frederick has always been known for even stronger. I would love to make it a priority to work to no longer have empty shops and store fronts. I would like for the Frederick Town Mall totally redone with stores that people want to shop at. A place that is Safe for them to visit at night or day and that they can feel comfortable going to their cars with packages in their hands.
I believe that if the neighbors in the neighborhoods work and pull together with one another as well as the Police force and elected officials working with them can in fact make Frederick city safer and more appealing to not only the businesses but the patrons of those businesses. When it comes down to it No business wishes to do business in an area that is known for robberies and high crime. So we need to work to get that crime under control. We need to give the businesses a place to open that will be safe for not only them but for those who shop with them. We can only do that with a higher budget for our Police force in the city as well as our elected officials working with our residents and businesses.

Question 2

Increased crime, gang/drug activity, loitering, unruly and/or unsupervised gatherings are safety concerns to residents in all of Frederick’s neighborhoods. Some neighborhoods have been particularly hard hit (e.g., Hillcrest, Amber Meadows, and North Market Street). How do you propose to address these issues given severe budget constraints?
I believe that the limited budget for the Police Department here in Frederick City needs to be increased. Our Police needs access to more money so that they can do the job they are there to do. We need to make sure they have the money to have the manpower on the street and the programs in place to help keep us safe. I believe if given more in their budget that they could have a greater presence in our communities which will help to decrease the crime.
The Police Department here in Frederick has some wonderful programs and plans for others if we can see to it that they have the funding to have the manpower to handle those programs. We need to again have officers walking the beat, parking in the complexes, and getting out talking to the people in the community. We need them able to have the money to get out and get to know who lives in these places and who does not live there but are only there to commit crimes. If they have the money they can be there to help. When that Mom has a 13 year old who is starting to not come in at a good time She knows that officer enough to say to him I am worried about my son and that officer will be able to keep a eye and when he sees that kid pull him up and have a chat with him.
I may be hoping for a lot. However I believe that this can be a reality if we work together.

Question 3

What is your vision for the future of the Neighborhood Advisory Councils? Should they be strengthened? Disbanded? Reorganized? Would you support an Aldermanic NAC rotation schedule so that the Aldermen stay in touch with the communities?

I believe that the NAC’s are a great thing and that without them we have little hope of ever having safe happy neighborhoods. I believe that in reality it does not matter if a person owns a home or rents a home. All people CAN have a pride and interest in their homes and their neighborhoods. I believe that the NAC’s should work for not only their own neighborhoods, but also work with each other to help to insure that there are no gaps. I believe that the Police Department and elected officials should attend NACs and not just come to the meetings but get involved. I do like the rotation schedule because that gives all NAC’s and Alderman a chance to get to know more of the communities and have an interest in those Neighborhoods. I would like to see more programs offered that would help the NAC’s and the neighborhoods themselves. We could use more activities to keep families doing things together, and more neighborhoods doing things within the community to help one another in the neighborhood. I believe involvement with one another is what makes a neighborhood strong and with strength comes safety.

Question 4

Many residents believe overcrowding, vacant and derelict properties, commercial vehicles in residential neighborhoods, etc., are chipping away at the quality of life in their neighborhoods and are lowering property values. How do you propose to tackle these issues? What role, if any, would code enforcement and rental licensing play?
I agree that many of these same things do help lower the property values and can affect the quality of life. I believe that owners of housing need to be held responsible for the properties they own. I would look into what codes could be changed and better worked to actually help.
Again a closer relationship with the Police and the elected officials can in fact lower instances of derelict properties and overcrowding etc.

Question 5

Recognizing the necessity of balancing growth with adequate infrastructure, and also the anticipated pressures to move forward on development projects as the economy recovers, will you support tools such as the APFO to ensure that neighborhood concerns about appropriate infrastructure (schools, water, traffic, etc) are considered in the decision-making process?
I would definitely be in support of making sure to take these things into consideration and working to be sure that there is NO growth unless it can in fact be properly supported.
I believe Growth in many situations is truly a good thing. I however do not believe any growth is possible or even be attempted until you are SURE that there is an infrastructure in place that can support it. We cannot have more homes which means more families if we do not have the roads for them and the schools for them and the fire and police to cover them. If we keep growing at the way it is now we will be in trouble,. The Police force has been cut in funding far too short. The Police are not able to do the work they need to do to be effective if we keep adding more work when they can barely do the work they have now